Cresent Pale Mist

GAME REVIEW: 12 cert, Rockin Android, PSN *

GAME REVIEW:12 cert, Rockin Android, PSN *

This retro, side-scrolling action game with strong Manga influences had potential. You play a female warrior in ancient times who uses the volatile magic of Crescent Pale Mist(swords, dagger and magical powers-up) to undo the injustices of the dimension of Gasyukal. Your adversaries are magicians, dragons and strange little blob creatures. How much did I dislike Crescent Pale Mist? The graphics are alternately ugly, twee or plain; it's very user unfriendly, from the awkward, counter- intuitive controls to the badly written onscreen instructions; it's got its share of bugs (for example, the training section changes depending on when you play it); and the gameplay often shudders to a halt to make way for reams of bad onscreen dialogue. Crescent Pale Mistgives budget gaming a bad name.